My name is Kevin Hammon and I would like to introduce you to Big Question International Ministries. This is a ministry that God put on my heart to go out into the field and help Christians be more like Jesus. It is a program to train pastors and church leaders or individuals to effectively present the gospel in their communities. It equips students with a methodology of how to present the gospel. The tools help to lead lost souls to the Lord. Students will learn how to start a conversation with the gospel in mind and to stand firm when they encounter someone who is not interested in knowing the Lord. Teaches to love their neighbors as God loved us and to pray for the needs of others. Students in the field collect contact information from the people who have made their decisions for Christ and the affiliate churches take on the responsibility of contacting the new believers. This training has been about 98% effective in the fields where I have been. The class consists of about an hour of explaining the methods that are used in the Big Question Training and six hours of training in the field.
Our Mission
We are here to help train pastors and leaders of churches to effectively lead individuals soul to the Lord. This training will help others get out of their comfort zone and lead a spiritual conversation about the Lord. It will also encourage other believers to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
We believe, "Making the world look more like Heaven, by making believers look more like Jesus."
Results through the holy spirit and bqim training
Chilon, Mexico - January 2014 (7 days) 217 Decisions for Christ.
Lemoru, Kenya - June 2014 (10 days) 546 Decisions for Christ.
Nairobi, Kenya - March 2015 (29 days) 1500 Decisions for Christ.
Johannesburg, SA - Oct. 2015 (16 days) 641 Decisions for Christ.
Nairobi, Kenya - September 2017 (18 days) 1085 Decisions for Christ.
Lodwar, Kenya - October 2017 (7 days) 508 Decisions for Christ, 25 Pastors trained.
Uganda - January 2019 (23 days) 987 Decisions for Christ. Many Pastors trained.
Nairobi, Kenya - March 2020 (9 days) 516 Decisions for Christ. 22 Pastors trained.