Thank you for the tracks, much appreciated. We are still running enthusiastically with the big question and the results are phenomenal. One great experience is: The team spoke to a lady who was so grateful that they came to her, she said she was thinking of suicide, but she now has a reason not to do so. And there are many more. It is truly amazing how many people we walk pass everyday are hurting, and thanks to your outreach training, we have the confidence to speak with people, and through God's guidance we meet the ones who needs it most.
May God Bless you greatly
Kind regards
Receive greetings in Jesus name. We are thankful to God for the month of April and activities we carried out during the period namely; the field evangelism, baptismal service, VBS, among other activities. Our hearts were filled with joy since Kevin Hammon visited us (15th March- 19th April) where we had good time together as we went out for evangelism in both far and near.Partnering with other churches for effective evangelism, the results were overwhelming in all the 18 different locations we visited. People accepted to receive our Lord Jesus Christ after being talked to and joyfully over 1500 lives are recorded in book of life and encouraged to attend to the regular church programs which include Sunday Church Services, mid-week services as per the church layout, more importantly daily prayer and reading of the bible for their growth in christian faith. The follow up on these individuals has been underway and the church of Christ has indeed increased in number with baptismal services being conducted. The catch is quite heavy and 'our nets are breaking' due to introduction of the new strategy and method for doing the fishing where more than 100 individual pastors were trained in person to person evangelism.
Remarkable things happened during the field work, at some point a widow that she buried her husband here in Nairobi which is against her culture and tradition. She has had bad dreams and almost lost hope in life, but the man of God (Kevin Hammon) prayed for her and now she is enjoying total peace,Glory to Jesus. Another one, a pastor, testified that he received his miracle as they were walking round and about evangelizing,they bumped into a compound that had a vacant spacious house, a good house for his family.Him and his family had lived in one room for more than twenty years . They have now moved into the new neighborhood with spacious rooms and he says "had I not heeded to God's call to evangelize,I would not have found the house" .
Another one is an opposition we encountered from a government area officer who claimed we could not preach in his area and even forced us to appear in his office for Interrogation which we eventually did and there,he gave his life to Jesus Christ, became our good friend and pledged support to our local church there,he revoked his directive to have us leave his territory.His threats became an opportunity to share Christ with him.
Pastor James Munene
Greetings in Christ, my brother. We are doing fine here in Nairobi, Kenya and Jesus is glorified. Greetings from the church leaders especially where you visited doing some training on Evangelism, they so excited you helped them and now their congregation has continued to swell. The wind of evangelism has continued blowing since the time you left Kenya and we thank God for your acceptance to be used by Him. You remember the motorbike driver you preached to, two days ago he approached me just to tell me ever since you preached and prayed for him though he never got saved but he has never had peace and that has forced him to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and now he will start coming to the church, praise God, He's at work.
Pastor James Munene
Praise be to our Lord, it was so wonderful having those Soul winning workshop from you. God has been good. The that received Christ in Windmill park are highly responding to their confession of Christ as lord.
Follow ups are done and, see people committing to Christ.
U are blessing.
Apostle Moses Kgomokae.
EL-BETH-EL Missionaries windmill park
Kevin Hammon: How many new people have come to your church since we worked in your area? Still following up with those contacts? Stay blessed.
Pastor Shadrack: In fact we have a big number that turned up since then and now we are planning to extend the church sanctuary by Gods grace and we thank God because is all His doing. I am really encouraging many of my friends. For the same blessings, too for the gift God has giving you. Thank you.